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The Melanie Martinez and Timothy Heller situation, a simplified breakdown of what happened

This is purely a informative carrd, make of it what you want.

On December 4th 2017, Timothy heller, Melanie's former best friend released a statement claiming she was raped by the singer, here is what she said

And these were both of Melanie's statements.

Going forward, i wanna talk about all the holes Timothy's story has shown throughout the entire situation.


I wanna preface this by saying the issue at hand isn't that Timothy got the dates wrong, but rather, by the fact that despite there being genuine proof Melanie was not around at said time and that the pictures were from may, she insisted it happened in june.

Timothy had said the rape happened June 25th, but at the time, Melanie was coming home to LA from one of her shows as seen below:

Of course, this doesn't mean the sleepover didn't happen, as it could've simply been a difference of a day or two, but it started becoming an issue when Timothy showed this picture as proof

Although said pictures prove the sleepover DID happen, melanie's hair and outfit is something she had on May instead of June, something that weirdly enough Timothy herself refused to admit

(Clip taken from Cid Dwyer on youtube)

Of course, victims messing up dates isn't weird by any means, but the fact Timothy INSISTED that it took place on June and her "messed up" icloud showing the EXACT DATE as shown on the picture above is something that should be questioned

Originally timothy also hadn't mentioned the sex game they had bought, which is a pretty big chunk of the story that was taken away

Melanie's Statement

I don't have much to say on this, especially since no one is ever gonna truly know melanie's true intentions with her statement, but, "she never said no" and "she never said no to what WE chose to do TOGETHER" really aren't the same thing, it's very much possible there was consent, but later on, Timothy regretted the incident, and that's completely valid, but at the same time, it's not rape.


This will focus on some of Timothy's actions that i found were important enough to highlight.

1. In 2017, Timothy and Melanie were still friends, something that according to Timothy's claims was not possible since they had stopped being friends in 2015 according to her.

2. Reposting fanart supporting Melanie and tagging atlantic records on twitter

3. Referring to her abuser as "he/him"

She had also claimed that 20 minutes after the post went up Melanie tried to contact her, and when she was unsuccessful, Melanie tried reaching her boyfriend, but she later said Melanie hadn't tried to contact her directly during the entire situation.


This is a messy one but i'll try my best to minimize everything

Globelamp was a former close friend of Timothy Heller, who according to her statements, had proof that Timothy would constantly bring up Melanie despite saying otherwise on her livestreams, here are the text messages she provided

As seen above, according to the text messages, Timothy would go as far as mentioning Melanie's friends (such as Rio Warner) aswell as mentioning the Madonna Inn a place she has famously taken quite a few photoshoots in, all of this while allegedly having Melanie's name blocked on social media.

Globelamp also sent out a statement claiming Timothy found the entire situation "funny"

End notes

So far, during the 7 years that have passed since then, this is all i could gather, you're free to this info as you want.

Overall, I have personally chosen to believe Melanie as a victim of SA myself, and Timothy's story has had many inconsistencies which i think shouldn't be overlooked.